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0 flights this month

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0 miles this month

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0 hours this month

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0 active this month

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Welcome to the vaBase demo airline MyAirline. Everything you see in this demo is included as part of the main product offering. The website is built using HTML, Javascript and PHP and is fully customizable. Lorem Ipsum (dummy text) is used throughout for demonstration purposes.

The admin section has been removed from this demo but screenshots can be viewed over on our main website.

Use the controls in the top left of the map to zoom in and out. click here to view flights.

Dispatched Flights

Pilot Flight No. Type Dep ICAO Arr ICAO PAX Cargo Aircraft Status
There are no active bookings.

Latest 10 Flights

Flight No. Dep ICAO Arr ICAO Pilot Aircraft ACARS Landing Rate

Top 5 Landings This Week

Pilot Name Flight Number Airport Date Landing Rate Performance Score
Nobody has performed an awesome landing yet!

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